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We have an inner desire to achieve.  It starts from that first question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” In that moment we look inside to determine our greatness.  Unfortunately, most of use never live up to our full potential.  It is not because we are incapable; on the contrary, we lack the proper blue print to achieve success.


In Life’s Blue Print, we must build on these foundational principles:


  1. We must have a “Deep belief in our own WORTH, DIGNITY, ‘SOMEBODY-NESS’!”


Know that you are made to be great!  Do not allow anyone to tell you otherwise!  The truth is, people that speak against you do not want you to succeed because they themselves will be left with their own inability to achieve.


  1. Make a sincere “Determination to achieve EXCELLENCE”!


It is not enough to just do or produce.  You must produce in excellence.  Let excellence be your standard.


  1. A commitment to the eternal principles of BEAUTY, LOVE, and JUSTICE!


These three strands of humanity binds us as a people and together they destroy prejudice and all manner of evil. In everything you do, you must lead with these eternal principles.


With this Blue Print for Life, you are now in position to go and accomplish greatness. Keep this quote in mind:


“Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway just be a trail.  If you can’t be the sun, be a star.  For isn’t by size that you win or fail, be the BEST of whatever you are!”


-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.