By: Jaleel James
Gordon Parks
While both Goku and Superman are very powerful the fans have many ideas on who would win in a fight between the two. For me the choice is clear…Goku.
While both are overpowered I’m not picking favorites even though I love me some Dragon Ball it’s more about skills abilities and weakness. Here are three ways Goku could beat Superman in a fight.
1.) kryptonite – Kryptonite is one of Superman’s weakness when it becomes a problem. If Goku ever got his hands on kryptonite Superman would definitely lose, But Goku’s not the one to use a tactical advantage because he loves a good fair fight.
2.) Another planet – Goku doesn’t have a specific energy source. Unlike Superman who has a hard time getting exposed to a new another atmosphere which weakens him, unlike Goku who has been on different worlds, universes, etc. All Goku has to do is take Superman to another planet and Superman would be weak because it would take too long for Superman to adjust but I doubt Goku would know about this weakness but it’s a possibility.
3.) Kamehameha x 10 – one of Superman’s weakness is a red sun radiation and the Kamehameha x 10 is red so lets say the Kamehameha x 10 produces the same radiation as a red sun if Goku uses this, this could be a major advantage against Superman leaving him weak and vulnerable to attack but again this isn’t Goku’s style to take advantage of his opponents weaknesses.
Tell me what you think in the comments below.
This topic has been discussed many times. But every point made Superman can and will overpower Goku. Good read.
Good points Goku is the GOAT
Even at UI Goku could not touch Superman. He will put up a good fight but Superman was created to have no limits.
Superman power is unlimited that another planet point was only in the movies. I don’t believe its cannon. Superman can physically push/pull a planet with pure strength.
this isn’t a bad article it was something to read but you must not know a lot about superman
you right he dont