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this is a link for direct comparisons made between the new xbox and ps4, see what the experts say about this
ooorr here’s a summary
Honestly, Playstation is better no matter, hands down! Playstation has better graphics, the control in general is a lot better than the xbox and its also bluray 😀 no need to go out and buy a bluray player!
I believe Xbox is better and I believe that the Xbox one WILL finally beat playstation in graphics department. The only thing I really like about playstation is that you get free online and the remote controllers are more girl friendly. Lol, Playstation remotes are smaller and perfect for the occasional gamer girl. (:
The d-pad on the ps3 is still better. Also the new xbox looks ugly. Like they didnt have time to make a good lookin case
I prefer playstation, I like the size of the controllers better and just the overall system. To me it’s more user friendly but maybe that’s just me.
PlayStation all day, it’s been playstation from the beginning. Everything is better and I’ve stuck with them the whole time
I believe they offer something different from both sides. Being as I have both i cant say which one is better, but I will have to say that with the new PS4 and Xbox1 there really is not gonna be a big difference. The graphics can’t get any better then they are now. Yes people can update graphics cards but its not gonna be a big as a jump as it was with ps2 to ps3. So really the are both the same. The real questions is which system has better first party games IE Gears of war, halo for xbox or god of war, uncharted for sony.
the best cheatcode i used was for ps2 and it was for midnight club 2, one was greenlantern and the other i forgot but it gave you unlimited nos and missles and a machine gun
The best cheat code i every used had to be the jetpack code for GTA San Andreas for the ps2. When you unlocked that code you could go anywhere. Way faster lol unless you had the jet code which also made things a lot faster as well. Another code i really like was the fly code in Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 for the ps1 . That code made it so you could jump high in the air and do as many tricks as possible. until you landed. best code for the game!
im really looking forward to call of duty ghosts, ive always loved the games but i just want to see how things will be on a new system with better graphics annddd i kinda am looking forward to watch dogs too, it seems like a cool little idea to play with
This is going to be nasty!
GTA V!!!!!! September 17th!!!! They got deep-sea diving AND tennis on that mug! I don’t even got a Playstation 3 or Xbox, but watch me still get that. Off tops, it’s gonna be the biggest game release of the year, no questions about it!
I’m really excited for the Xbox One, dropping this holiday season. I have mind paid off already, and will be posting photos of the midnight launch. Stay Tuned
Twitter: @malcolmeugene
im ready for GTA bby ! lets see if it becomes my favorite
well the ps4 is gonna be cool but yu cant share games ! so im waiting on the xbox
GTA V is gonna be the game of the year imo i just saw the whole multiplayer video and it looks CRAZY its gonna be soo good! but the other game for me is SLEEPING DOGS. its really gonna be my number get for my new PS4 and Dead Rising 3 for my XBOXONE
Jeez, the new assasin’s creed for xbox 360 looks amazing, I am anxious to try it! What is the pre order bonus?
I can’t wait for Call of Duty Ghosts, and GTA V
I got the Xbox one and PS4 they are both really cool. haha graphics wise i have to say they say look just like current gen for now but XB1 feels more next gen with all the features PS4 just feels like a PS3.5 for now…
Thanks for sharing, great info~!