Many of us may recall being taught about the Holocaust growing up. Whether it be from our teachers or reading books such as Number The Stars or The Diary of Anne Frank. Such a horrific event that happened decades ago, still saddens our hearts today. The Holocaust claimed the lives of over six million Jews and left few survivors to tell their stories. Among them, Elie Wiesel shared his story with millions across the world. Read More
Natural hair just seems to stay in the news. From the good hair vs bad hair debate, natural hair not being seen as professional in a work environment and now salons have hopped on board to join the ridiculousness. It was not to long ago when one women’s salon visit resulted in her finding out they slipped relaxer into the conditioner, permanently altering her natural hair texture. As if that was not a wake up call enough for to hairstylists dealing with highly textured hair, just recently Bianca was told her tightly coiled natural hair was an animal that can not be tamed. Read More
What’s new in iOS10
written by Kyle Holly
Earlier this month Apple held their yearly would wide developers conference in California. This year one of the major announcement was the new iOS 10 update that is coming this fall to Apple portable devices. iOS 10 includes major updates for a wide variety of apps, services, and features, including Messages, Siri, Photos, Apple Music, and more. CEO of Apple Tim Cook called this the biggest iOS update ever. Here at Teenview we are excited and here are some of the major highlighted features.
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