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Being Self Motivated & Staying Positive

By Advice

Is the Best Way to Live

Our everyday encounters are enough to tear us down, emotionally, physically, and even spiritually.Through everything it is important to keep up your self motivation as these things take a toll on you. This is the first of a four part series of articles that will uplift you during your down days and ultimately give you a different perspective on life. Read More

The Newbies

By Uncategorized

Tips for Surviving High School


Written by Skylar Anderson

I believe high school is a major growth period and includes many turningpoints for each person. If you’re going into your freshman year, it’s easy to find yourself nervous and faced with many questions about this new journey you’ll soon embark on. I put together a list of things to keep in mind as you navigate through it. Read More

Slide the City Wichita

By Event, Wichita

A lot of people across the country celebrated Independence Day with a bang! But, for a lot of Wichitians, they celebrated Independence Day with a splash with Slide the City Wichita, a 1000 feet water slide. Read More

The TeenView Magazine Experience

By Uncategorized

We say it all the time, but it is worth mentioning again.  TEENVIEW Magazine is a publication that offers a platform for young people to grow their skills and showcase their talent.  This summer we were able to expand the TEENVIEW experience to a few students attending the Wichita Prep Upward Bound Program.  For a little more than four weeks, the students came to our office and learned about TV Production.  In fact, they themselves produced a future television show that is scheduled to air on MyTV July 18th at 11:30am.

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My Summer Bucket List

By General, Uncategorized

Although summer might be at its midway point, that doesn’t mean you can’t check off a number of things to do! Need a little help figuring out what to add to your summer bucket list? Below I listed a bit of what I had in mind for my summer! I hope you enjoy.

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NBA Mount Rushmore

By Sports

So, while I was filming “This Week in Sports” over the NBA Mount Rushmore for the Guy Code episode of TeenView TV, I realized that I’ve been unjust to some of the greatest players of all time, so I’m here to go more in depth on the subject! Read More

Summer Bucket List: What to do NOW

By General

Five Tips to Help Your Summer Goals

Ah. Sweet sweet summertime. Ditching your adorable sweater for a minimal bikini to keep yourself from burning up like Stannis’s daughter in season 5… yeah, summer may not be everyone’s idea of a good time, but we can all agree it’s the most ideal season for achieving some well put off goals, especially if you’re a teen. As June nears its end however, so does the opportunity to accomplish all of those crazy things you had in mind for your spectacular summer. But your dream of stargazing in your backyard or starting your own blog (My current state of being. More information soon.) hasn’t totally expired. Creating a summer bucket list is the best way to make sure your summer is up to bragging standards. Here are five things you can do to ensure the rest of your summer is just that: braggable.

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“Grey” by E.L. James Preview

By General

Written by: Ashley Dameron

Fifty Shades fans are ecstatic with the latest release from the series written by E.L. James, “Grey”. The latest work of literature is meant to be the first book re-written from the fictional character Christian Grey’s point of view. Being a die hard Fifty fan myself, I bought the book as soon as I heard of it’s release on the 18th. So far, I’ve made it through the first chapter, and I to my surprise, I’m not enjoying the read nearly as well as I had when I read the very first book.  Read More

Charleston Shooting

By Media

The Race Issue that will Continue to Take Black Lives

Recent news of a shooting at a historic black church has continued to raise the prodding question of equality in America. Read More