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Are Smart Cars too “Smart”?

By Technology
Written By: Jordan Weekday
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are a car designed to reduce the amount of deaths in a car accident. There were an estimated 5,419,000 automobile crashes (30,296 fatal crashes), killing 32,999 and injuring 2,239,000 people in 2015. The 32,479 traffic fatalities in 2011 were the lowest in 62 years. This beckons the question: “What if a car sacrificed a person to minimize the amount of fatalities?” Saving as many lives as possible is a priority, right ?

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App Review : Clash Royale

By General, Reviews, Technology

Clash Royale is a Real Time Strategy Game (RTS) where you battle people in an arena style game play. It is a spin off of the clash of clans game and uses the same characters. The difference between these two games is that one focuses on base construction and the other is total combat oriented. Read More

“Brexit” Explained

By Uncategorized

By: Darby VanHoutan

The United Kingdom held a referendum on Thursday (referendum: a general vote by the people on a single political question that has been given to them for direct decision) to decide whether Britain would stay in or leave the EU (European Union). The “leave” campaign won with 52 percent to the “stay” campaigns 48 percent. Basically, a total of 17.4 million people cast their vote to leave EU and 16.1 million people wanted to stay.

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The Pilot Earpiece: A New Way to Communicate

By Technology
Written By: Jordan Weekday
Before traveling to a foreign country, I would try and learn a few phrases and try to convince myself that I’m a natural. However, that notion would probably come crashing down as soon as I step off of the plane because of the fear of being ridiculed in a different language (I already get ridiculed here in America enough; I don’t need it anywhere else). If that sounds like you then this amazing in-ear device is probably exactly what you need. Set to launch later this year, the Pilot earpiece by Waverly Labs allows two people to communicate in two different languages and still understand each other.

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Death Threats in Gaming – Rage In Real Life

By Media, Technology

Written By: Tim Waller

Everyone loves getting a new video game. Whether it be picking up a used one or finally getting that one you preordered four months ago, getting a new game is a good feeling. Because of this, many people can get very irritated when that game they were anticipating for the last three months is delayed further by the developers. Delaying a release date has become a common occurrence among developers due to glitches, bugs, and other errors that need fixing before the game is playable. Other times, a developer may simply change an aspect of the game they promised (for better or worse) or perhaps they cancel it all together. Many (and I mean most) gamers can understand this, despite being disappointed; however, there are some that can’t accept that fact and become quite the… nuisance. Read More

Top 5 Vitamins For Hair Growth

By Hair

“Long hair, don’t care” is a phrase we will be hearing the rest of our days. Many women long for longer hair and will do anything to achieve it. This ranges from crazy potions that promise “four-inches in 7 weeks” or over the counter products that are supposed to be used for other intended purposes. However, vitamin companies have caught on to this long hair revolution and decided to corner the market. Here is our Top 5 list of hair vitamins people are raving about. Read More

Top 10 Backwoods Music Festival 2016 Improvements

By Event

Bright lights! Big sound! Good Vibes! It is that time of year again. Festival season is upon us, and Backwoods Music Festival is the place to be. 2015  was an experience to remember, and 2016 will be bigger and better. There have been some major improvements to the festival this year, to make the experience even better. We are going to give you our top 10 Backwoods Music Festival 2016 improvements.

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E3 Review: The good, the bad, and the Nintendo

By Event

Yes, there are tons of E3 reviews online, but none like this one. I spent hours watching streams on Twitch, reading blogs, and just overall appreciating the new content us in the gaming community. From great new games like God of War 4 or South Park: The Fractured But Hole to games that we’re not exactly certain about like Yooka-Laylee. Here’s the highlights and the lowlights from E3! Read More