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Life Prep vs. Destiny Christian

By Sports

Life Prep Academy had a tough competitor in Destiny Christian. Destiny Christian handed the Fire their first lost of the season. The game started off with Coach Martin taking a knee during the national anthem. Stay tuned for a future interview. The night was full of fun. The Fire will regroup, they can’t wait to get back on the field!

K-State Black Face

By General, Identity

I feel sorry for Paige!


It is not her fault.  Nope, I do not blame Paige one bit for her insensitive, highly offensive post she put up on social media (snapchat) that made it all the way to CNN.  Paige Shoemaker a student at K-State University has caused a bit of a fire storm after putting a black substance of her face and posting, “Feels good to finally be a Nigga”

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Dancefestopia Day 1

By Event

It was muddy. It was raining. But the party raged on. Dancefestopia is LIVE, and here are a couple shots from day 1. Make sure to join us on our Facebook and Twitter as we cover the event live for Day 2.

Kaepernick’s Protest

By Conversation, Media, Sports

Written by Kielice Holsey – Derby

Although kaepernick says it was his constitutional right to protest, as it percieved is taken as a racial protest during the playing of the National Anthem. Eventhough it is his constitutional right, it could still alienate some of the military areas and law enforcement as well. Read More