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NASA looking for Planetary Protectors

By Conversation

Written By: Trey Murphy 

NASA is hiring people to become real life Men in Black. The job of “Planetary Protection Officer” (PPO). According to insiders, Catharine Conley, NASA’s only PPO since 2014, is one of only two full times roles (the other one being at the European Space Agency). This brings up the question: Does NASA believe aliens are real? Read More

15 Weird Kit-Kat Flavors

By Food

Written By: Samara Murphy

When it comes to creativity with flavors Japan comes up with the most interesting and sometimes weirdest flavors to try. Japan kit-kat flavors are totally out of this world! Here are 15 of Japan’s kit-kat flavors:  Read More

Nationals Have Record Setting Day

By Sports

Written By: A.J. McDaniel

The Washington Nationals had an amazing game against the Milwaukee Brewers. The game was going good for the Brewers, who were only down by two runs going into the third, but the lead was blown WIDE open in the 3rd inning.  It started off with a single.. Then the home run derby started. Read More

Justin Bieber Hits the Paparazzi

By Entertainment

Written By: Hennessey Thomas

Last night Justin Bieber was trying to escape a group of paparazzi when the accident happened. He was leaving a City Church service around nine-thirty p.m. Justin got into his black monster pickup truck and as he slowly pulled away he ran over a photographer with his front right tire. Read More

Trump Bans Transgenders in Military; Backlash Ensues

By News

Written By: Hennessey Thomas

Yesterday, United States President Donald Trump shocked the LGBTQ community. After saying last year in a series of tweets that he would fight for trans rights, he posted this on his twitter: “the United States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military… cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you” Read More