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Pocket is an app that allows you to save things on the web for later.  Whether its from your favorite social media outlet or from your favorite website pocket can help you.

If you stumble upon a good article or video and you don’t have time to look at it you can “pocket it”. One cool feature is that the app simplifies articles and gets rid of all of the excess graphical content you see on the web page. When you open the page on Pocket you will only see  the text and what ever images and hyperlinks that were embedded into the article. Another cool feature is that Youtube videos are saved with out ads.When you watch them later you can just go straight to the video.When you save the page in pocket you are also able to subdivide them with tags.

If you are a big media and information consumer this is the app for you.

Ease of Use








Ease of use:

Pocket is very easy to use. Majority of the functions are pretty self explanatory. It is very easy to save things because you are aloud to do so within the app without actually going to pocket. The cool thing about it is that it does not require much more than you already do. you just click and go.


If you are an avid media and information consumer then this is the app for you. Some times you cannot finish what you’ve started, this allows you to finish it later with no hassle. This is not the app for you if you only breeze through content because then most likely you will not return back to the information when you put it in pocket.


The usefulness of this app depends on how much one consumes. It is not an app for everyone as it could potentially just take up space if you are not interested in continuing your readings or movies. If you do find yourself wanting to come back to things than this is the app for you.


The interphase was simple and refreshing. At the time of this post there are no ads. Everything you need is safely stored in a menu bar and all of your savings are automatically pulled up in a list.